Health and Fitness

8 reasons to have an Acupuncture Facelift:

Eliza Mellen-Smith, Lic Ac. MAOM
Published On
April 19, 2016

Have you ever wondered what an “Acupuncture Facelift” is? If you are looking for a safe, effective alternative to invasive cosmetic procedures, look no further. Here is all you need to know to get smoother, radiant, and more youthful skin:

1. Reverse signs of aging: As we get older, it becomes more difficult for our “Qi” (our vital energy) to flow upwards to lift the face.  In addition, collagen loss from aging and sun damage, emotional and environmental stressors, poor diet, digestion and circulation, all lead to inadequate muscle tone, wrinkles and sagging skin in the face. The acupuncture facelift specifically targets these exact symptoms to reverse the signs of aging.

2. Safe, Effective and Non-invasive: The Acupuncture Facelift uses a constitutional, non-invasive approach to transform the facial landscape.

3. Clinically proven technique: The Acupuncture Facelift is clinically proven to improve circulation, increase blood flow and increase collagen production

4. Lasting effects: The Acupuncture Facelift unblocks stuck energy in the face, helping people heal from the inside out, plumping up and refreshing tired skin- with LASTING effects.

5. Increases Blood flow and cellular regeneration: When the face is stimulated with tiny, sterile, acupuncture needles during the Acupuncture Facelift, blood and Qi and endorphins flow to the area, speeding up the transportation of nutrients to the cells. This stimulation improves blood flow and stimulates cell re-growth.

6. Increasing collagen production: Inserting these tiny needles also encourages the production of healing collagen- the protein which the body uses to keep the skin youthful and elastic.

7. Reduces Wrinkles and more: Increasing collagen production in your skin with the Acupuncture Facelift, reduces wrinkles, eliminates fine lines, lifts sagging skin, and improves skin color and texture.

8. The more you do, the better you look: With repeated treatments, the Acupuncture Facelift continues to increase collagen production in a sustained way, and results improve more and more with subsequent treatments over time. Deeper lines and wrinkles can be addressed this way, as well.

Are you ready to transform your face?

If you are interested in this safe. effective approach to rejuvenating and  transforming your face to a more youthful, radiant and younger looking you, try an Acupuncture Facelift  with Eliza Mellen-Smith Acupuncture today!

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