Are you drinking away your ideal body? A common mistake that SO many people make without even realizing.
This topic pertains to several different areas although our minds directly think of alcohol. But how about how you order your coffee? That delicious $5 Starbucks concoction ... that you have twice a day. Or the “healthy” smoothie you make that ends up being more calories then an actual meal. These are just a few examples of the many hidden calories consumed through liquids. Here are a few tips on how to reduce calories coming from these items! Although all of these items taste good, are they worth jeopardizing making progress physically after you spend hours on end working off what you’ve consumed in the gym? Not really. There are ways around this sneaky mirage. Some tips of the trade are; if you’re going to have a drink do just that. Have A drink- one that doesn’t consist of all kinds of sugars. Your best choice for hard alcohol is anything clear. A vodka, soda with lemon is the perfect choice for an adult beverage that you kind of play with to get you through the night. Save yourself some money and make your own coffee! There’s a million different flavors for ground coffee and k-cups that can really suffice that sweet tooth. Brew it the night before if you're an iced coffee fan. If you don’t like it black add a splash of unsweetened almond/coconut/cashew milk and a drop of liquid stevia. This will take your once order 300 calorie mocha madness to being 20 calories. Lastly, although smoothies can be a great vessel for protein or extra nutrients they can also be very calorie/carbohydrate dense. You will feel more satiated if you eat the fruit/veggies in their whole form opposed to a liquid, resulting in you feeling full for a longer period of time.
I hope you find these tips helpful!
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NASM Nutritionist Laura Goldstein