Thai Yoga Massage has been practiced in the temples of Thailand by Buddhist Monks for over 2500 years. This unique practice combines assisted yoga asana, massage and the mindfulness of Metta (loving kindness meditation) into a flowing dance of continuous rhythmic motion. Through this rhythmic dance, the giver experiences meditation in motion while the receiver enters a state of balance and tranquility.
Thai Massage has many benefits for the individual receiving, including reduction of stress and improvement of overall circulation. As one is moved through gentle yoga-like positions and offered hands-on compression, one can enhance their flexibility and greater range of motion. In turn, reducing tension and strain in the muscles and organs. Many remark on the overall increase of energy levels after receiving Thai Massage. The practice is known as lazy-man's yoga as one simply needs to receive and no experience is necessary. The giver, when using proper body mechanics, also receives a gentle yoga practice combined with a steady breath flow which induces a relaxed state of being. It is a powerful gift to offer one's presence with combined skills of Thai Massage to invoke ease, comfort, and relaxation.
Join us for this hands-on experiential workshop of the art of giving and receiving. This 2.5 hour workshop is open to yoga teachers, massage therapists, body workers, or simply anyone who desires to learn & share this ancient healing art form! Those considering the upcoming Foundations Thai Massage Training are encouraged to come. Come with a friend or meet some new ones there!